The rise in tides makes it difficult for hikers to pass through the Las Lagunitas area
The Cabildo de Fuerteventura, through the departments of Sustainability and Environmental Management, will improve the path that runs through the Islote de Lobos Natural Park with the installation of a wooden walkway in the section that runs through the area near the Las Lagunitas salt marsh. An area that is flooded with the rise of the tides, making it difficult for hikers to pass through.
This action requires an investment of 144,744 euros, co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (FEADER) within the framework of the Canary Islands Development Program (PDR).
The Islote de Lobos Natural Park has a path that runs through the entire island. On its way, the path passes peripherally through the area known as Las Lagunitas, a salt marsh of great natural value endowed with remarkable biological endemicity, uniqueness and beauty landscape. So much so, that it is home to an exclusive endemic such as the Lobos immortelle (Limonio Bollei).
With the process of the tides, the path is flooded and becomes impassable by users. In addition, it happens that, before these situations, some visitors circulate around the outer area of the trail, ignoring the informative signage, which can seriously compromise the natural resources of this area, which is so rich from the point of view of biodiversity.
In its objective of improving the experience of walkers and guaranteeing the preservation of ecosystems, the Cabildo has sought as an alternative the location of a wooden walkway 75 meters long and 2.74 meters wide, planning to start its installation in the next few months.
According to the councilors Lola García and Pedro Martínez, “this action will allow the use of the path safely, enjoy the unique landscape of the Islote de Lobos and maintain the state of conservation of the natural habitats present in the area.”
The departments of Sustainability and Environmental Management also call for the responsibility and environmental awareness of those people who pass through the Islote de Lobos Natural Park and the rest of the natural spaces of Fuerteventura. So that hikers and visitors always do it in a respectful way with the environment, using the official trails and “taking with them” the garbage that is generated to deposit it in the appropriate containers.
These ministries carry out continuous improvement tasks in the 255 kilometers of trails that make up the insular network. These actions consist of improving the pavement, cleaning, restoring cobblestones and repairing stone walls, as well as conditioning and improving rest and shade areas that belong to the network of trails.
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